chuck's grub: best fish n' chips in town

First of all, I would like to say... Happy Sunday, everyone! Hope you guys had a great Sunday since I did! Want to know why? Okay, I think it's time to say it in public... I met the love of life! And, no mom, it's not a boy. It's... Chuck's Grub: Fish n' Chips. I found out about Chuck's Grub when I was reading Jenni Epperson's post about the best Fish n' Chips in the Metro. I got so curious about it so I started searching for it in Google. I was quite surprised that it was located in Power Plant Mall. I honestly expected the kiosk to be in the streets of Makati, but, no! It was inside a mall! I was actually gleaming with joy when I found out it was inside Rockwell because for sure, my mom wouldn't allow her only daughter to walk and look for Chuck's Grub in the busy streets in Makati. Anyhow, I was able to try it awhile ago and I only have two words for it. Want to know the word? Okay, it's... VERY HEAVENLY. Yes, with bold and large letters. It was that yummy! My mom isn't a huge fan of fried foods but when I let her try it, she was speechless. Well, actually, I'm not sure if she was speechless because it was so yummy or she didn't like it. But, I take her speechlessness as very very yummy! LOL! I was too busy savoring my Beer-Battered Dory with Chips that's why I was not able to take a picture of it. But don't worry, I will be returning to Chuck's Grub and I will make sure that I take a picture of my order! The kiosk has lots of choices. You can choose either Dory, Halibut, Snapper and Cobbler. If you're not a huge fan of fishes, you can just order their chips. 
That's their menu. You can also choose your dip. They have Good Old Vinegar, Garlic Mayo and Tartare. 
Go like them in facebook!

Chuck's Grub | Fish & Chips - 
Rustan's Rockwell, Power Plant Mall, 
1066 Makati, Philippines


1 comment:

  1. Mikee, the way you describe it, I think I'm going to try it very soon!


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