a day in hershey's chocolate world, pa

We drove out to Pennsylvania last May 18. Mainly cause we wanted to attend my aunt Abby's graduation at University of Pittsburgh, PA. And mainly because, we wanted to go to the Hershey Chocolate World at Hershey, PA!

Our itinerary was from New Jersey, we headed to Lancaster Country to take a tour at the Amish Farm. It was nice, well, I liked their one-room school anyway. Had a simple lunch at Applebee's, then headed to Hershey. (it will just take you 45 mins. to an hour from Lancaster to Hershey) We checked in our hotel first then off to chocolate land!

The coolest thing about my trip to Hershey Chocolate World was I WAS ABLE TO MAKE MY OWN HERSHEY BAR AND DESIGN IT!!!!! COOL YEAH? 

This is the Hershey Bakeshoppe. I wanted to buy one of each of everything but since I didn't live in the US, it was hard cause if I left, no one will eat them. Disadvantages of not living there. :( 

For dinner at the Hershey food court, everyone got the plain old drinks while I wanted mine with a twist! I ordered the Frozen Cocoa! It was heavenly! Not to sweet as I expected it to be, lovely indeed! 

251 Park Boulevard, 
Hershey, PA
United States


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