reasons why I love san francisco: pleasant hill

Pleasant Hill is also located in the East Bay, just right before Walnut Creek. I must say the community there is very.. Well, pleasant and quiet. I'm not here to talk about the place, I just want to talk about cupcakes and frozen yogurt. :)

After our lunch in Korea House (i'll be blogging about that after this), in Concord, we headed straight to a cupcake shop in Pleasant Hill.

Sinful Bliss cupcakes. See those?! They have a wide array of cupcakes to choose from! But we all know that we can't buy everything, can we? 
So here's the bunch that we got... 

We got two tie-dye cupcakes, two red velvet cupcakes, one chocolate chip cupcake and a chocolate chocolate cupcake! Want to know how they fare?

  • Red Velvet - The cupcake itself was a bit too crumbly but the cream cheese frosting was heaven! The frosting has small crystal sugars in it! Yum! 
  • Tie Dye - Now this is my favorite. From the frosting to the cupcake itself, PERFECT! 
  • Chocolate Chocolate - I love chocolate, but the cupcake was just too sweet. :( 
  • Chocolate Chip - This one tastes pretty good though. Just like cookie dough! 
35D, Crescent Drive, 
Pleasant Hill, CA
United States 

Since we wanted to save the cupcakes and try them until we get home, I saw a yogurt shop next door. And since I looove yogurt, I just HAD to try it!  

Coco Swirl is probably my second favorite, next to Pinkberry of course. 
Their plain yogurt is not too sour, which I really like cause some of the frozen yogurts here in Manila are such rip offs. Since I love sprinkles, I just had to put both kinds! The rainbow and the chocolate. 
Therefore, I AM IN HEAVEN, kiddos! 

35E, Crescent Drive, 
Pleasant Hill, CA
United States 


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