buddha bar

Buddha Bar is a franchise business from Paris, France and originally opened by Raymond Visan. The bar can be found in of course, Paris, Cairo, Caracas, Dubai, Jakarta, Kiev, London, Monte Carlo, Mexico, Prague and Washington. In God's grace, Buddha Bar can also be found here in the Metro! The founder, Raymond Visan, first opened a bar that goes by the name Barfly (opened 1995) and finally, the Buddha Bar (opened 1996). He is also referred to as the "Master of creating hip and upscale nightclubs"! The bar is known for playing exotic music and for it's high-end cuisine. With it's Asian-inspired interior, cozy sofas and dim lights, I'm sure that you'll have a blast there just like I did!

I got invited to the launching of the bar a week ago. At first, I hesitated to go since I wasn't of legal age yet. But after minutes of thinking, I finally agreed to attend the launching of Buddha Bar. 

After days and days of waiting, the day finally arrived. The launching was on a Thursday, and I actually had school the following day but I didn't care! I just really had to attend it since it would be my first time to go to a bar! 

We got there the same time as the vice president, Jejomar Binay, arrived for the ribbon cutting. Such a coincidence, isn't it?

                                                         The place was so packed that night!

The drinks area.. Where the lavishing drinks of Buddha Bar
are concocted. 

My cousin and I 

The launching kicks-off with an opening number!

And finally, the host, Bianca Valerio, wearing a
Chris Diaz gown from Myth!

For dinner, they serve finger foods. Namely...

The Buddha Bar salad

Tempura with dip (Unfortunately, I wasn't able to ask what they
call the dip since I was too busy munching on it!)

Chicken Salad

Picar Place
Kalayaan Avenue, Makati City


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