currently up to...

So these past few days, i've been such a bum. Well what can I say, it's how I enjoy the last few days of my summer. School's in 8 days! Bummer! Here's what I've been currently up to...

watching - Modern family and Revenge - Modern Family is my go-to series when I'm not in the mood. Revenge, meanwhile, had it's season finale last May 23 and I'm just re-watching them again just cause I love the series so much.

listening - Bleach Blonde by This Century & songs of Agnes Obel - I discovered Bleach Blonde in Tumblr, and Agnes Obel through Revenge. I must say that I really reaaally like them and now have the hang of listening to Indie songs..

obsessing - I'm currently obsessing over my Rabito iPhone casing and if you're wondering what Rabito is, here you go...

image source;here.

Although I really like this color but it wasn't available at the Garden State Mall... 

image source; here.

eating - Spring NYC special m&m's are the best. Nothing else to say! (sorry, guys!)

wishing - See picture below... 



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