reasons why I love san francisco

Hi everyone! So, i just came back awhile ago from my nearly-one-month vacation in the United States. If you're wondering where in the world I have been, right now would be the perfect time. So i flew out to San Francisco last May 3, then I flew to New York last May 11, then my family drove to Pennsylvania from New Jersey! Get that? Hahaha, okay anyways, I'm here to talk about why i just simply LOVE San Francisco.

I've been going there since I was 2 years old. And since the year 2000, I fell in love with that precious city by the bay. I love how cold San Francisco is all year round, I love how charming the city is, I love how it's full of character.

Here are some pictures I would like to share with all of you!

(taken via Instagram) 
That's the view from Lombard Street(the most crooked street in the world, as they say). 
If you're a photographer and looking for a wonderful photo spot, the top of Lombard Street will do! 
Although I do suggest that someone should drive you down the street. It's worth the experience! 

(taken via Instagram) 
Now this is the Japanese Tea Garden, located inside the Golden Gate Park. It's amazing how they were
able to put a peaceful garden amidst in a very busy city. 
If you can see the picture on the bottom right, that's the bridge that makes the Tea Garden famous. 
Mind you, I climbed that very veeeery steep bridge wearing a dress. :| Imagine how hard that was for me but it was worth the try! 

(taken via Instagram) 
Now this is the Ferry Building/Embarcadero/Port of San Francisco. This is my favorite place in San Fran! Inside the building, there are lots and lots of food stalls to choose from. You can eat inside the building or if you're outdoorsy, you can choose to stay outside and just feel the fresh air!

(taken via Instagram) 
This is the Oakland Bay Bridge which connects the San Francisco area to the Bay Area(read: Berkeley, Oakland, etc) I honestly like this bridge better than the ever-famous Golden Gate Bridge because this bridge leads to Antioch, where my godmother stays and where we "live" every time we take a visit. I love everything about the Bay Area! 


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